Every CATAPULT® retailer, every ECRS team member, and every shopper who has been touched by our technology, has played a pivotal role in ECRS’ 30 year success story. Each has helped us to adapt, overcome, and innovate, so that we succeed in our mission to build a sustainable technology company driven by purpose.
ECRS Founder and CEO, Pete Catoe, recently had the opportunity to share ECRS’ success story with RIS News, following the release of the 2020 RIS Software LeaderBoard rankings where ECRS was recognized as the #1 technology provider in the grocery vertical, and #2 among all other retail software companies on the Top 20 Master List.
Click the cover image to view the full story.
Our intent has always been to build a legacy company that focuses exclusively on serving customers and employees, not investors or exit strategies.”
Pete Catoe
ECRS Founder and CEO