At ECRS®, we work hard to meet our goals for growth and success. We work just as hard to keep our workplace enjoyable. ECRS is known for its enthusiasm, high energy, healthy competitive drive, and team spirit. As we continue to grow, we understand that we can best fuel the collective success of the entire company with a workforce that is upbeat, motivated, and highly committed to supporting each other, our customers, and the corporate mission.
The ECRS Executive Team is committed to upholding all corporate values and mission and to overseeing excellence in team management, community involvement, customer service, product, and messaging.
Aaron St. Clair
Chief Platforms
Officer, Navigator
Brian Peele
Principal of
Application Support, Navigator
Nikki Karabinis
Director of Customer Care
Jesse Dyer
Release Train
Engineer, Navigator
Joe Jensen
Chief Software
Architect, Navigator
Matthew Mellon
Chief Information
Security Officer, Navigator
Ram Chitrala
Chief of Applied
Research, Navigator
Timothy Racz
Principal Software
Developer, Navigator